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Fantasy/Horror/LGBT, 2020, 88 min, English

Something happens. Something the best of us would want to forget.

And that’s exactly what Demir does when he wakes up like a blank canvas, with his entire past forgotten and a stranger with a pet pig sharing his new fancy display-style home.

But he couldn’t care less about the black-out or the TVness of this reality – because the stranger is not strange at all – he is Andrew, a vision of Hollywood holiness in a man. And an unscrupulous auctioneer with a dark passion no less.

By accepting the hand of friendship extended by Andrew, Demir does everything he can to be possessed by this man and ignore the violent clues of how he got there.

Cast: Austin Chunn , Gem Deger , Issy Stewart , Christopher Hugh James Adamson,

Director: Gem Deger

Producer: Martin Raiman, Steve Reverand




- Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival 2020: Best Feature Film Award

- Other Worlds Film Festival 2020: Weirder Worlds

- Other Worlds Film Festival (USA, 2020)

- XVII Fantaspoa (Brazil, 2021)

- CineFantasy 11 (Brazil, 2021)

- Imagine Film Festival (The Netherlands,2021)

- Wicked Queer Boston LGBTQ+ Film Festival (USA,2021)

- OUTshine Film Festival (USA,2021)

- Calgary Underground Film Festival (Canada, 2021)



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